Clean Energy CEO Andrew J. Littlefair Receives Environmental Leadership Award by California League of Conservation Voters. 

  • Mr. Littlefair was recognized for his work creating America’s Natural Gas Highway and Clean Energy’s successful launch of Redeem, the first commercially-available renewable natural gas fuel made from organic waste.
  • The California League of Conservation Voters is a non-partisan political action arm of California’s environmental movement focused on voter education, electoral campaigns and legislative advocacy.

A View From the Top:
An insider’s look on what this means for the Alternative Fuel Industry from Clean Energy’s President and CEO, Andrew J. Littlefair:

Looking back at 2013, the pronounced trend toward natural gas as a transportation fuel is clear with our customers ordering 70% more natural gas vehicles through Q3 2013 than during the same period last year.

This year, industry experts forecast that approximately 2,400 Cummins Westport 12L natural gas engines are scheduled to come off production lines and into America’s heavy-duty trucks, a figure which is projected to rise to 10,000 in 2014. In addition, ten more of our America’s Natural Gas Highway stations began fueling this year for a total of 19 now in service to support America’s truckers and we will continue to meet this growing demand in 2014 as the transition accelerates. 2013 also saw promising developments in the rail and maritime industry’s use of natural gas. These new segments show tremendous promise in the coming years and we will continue to support them as they develop.

As we end this year, I am tremendously proud of Clean Energy and our accomplishments in breaking new ground with the successful launch of Redeem as well as our continued leadership as North America’s largest provider of natural gas for transportation.